The last-in, first-out rule is extremely important. In part, it is important so that not only the strongest are allowed to keep their jobs in the event of cutbacks. We all get weaker with age, even those who are young today. Therefore, it is important that there is protection for older, weaker people to continue working in the company.
In addition, it is easier to lose your job as a young person when you have not acquired a house or support for children. It is also easier to get a new job as a young person.
Finally, abolishing or weakening the turn order rule could be used to make the workplace hyper-efficient during cutbacks and fire everyone who does not overperform above the maximum. It is not only inhumane to treat those who are not the strongest in this way. It will also be expensive for society. The dismissed weak may be supported by the general public instead of creating a profit on working time even if it is not a question of maximum profit.
Keep the turn order rule!