It is important that we red-green dare to tell about all the good things our red-green government is doing with the little power it has today. It has increased the social insurance fund so that it is a little easier to live on. It has removed the automatic deadlock in health insurance. It has stopped the tax cuts and even raised some taxes. With this policy, Sweden has regained economic prosperity.
The increase in social insurance is counted as automatic economic stabilizers. In that, even if they are raised, they are mostly too low to allow saving, everything goes to consumption and contributes to maintaining growth and employment in the economy.
We also have almost the highest level of employment, calculated as a percentage of employed people of all people of working age, ever in Sweden.
We are reintroducing conscription so that not only socio-economically vulnerable children get to fight for our country and so that we have a sufficiently strong defense. When the defense is strong enough, it becomes a deterrent in strength and hopefully prevents us from being attacked.
If we were able to do all this in the minority, how much can the red-greens do if they get the majority.
Tell us about how even small steps make a big difference! The red-green media are weak and in the minority. That we ordinary citizens dare to speak about the block differences plays a huge role in Sweden's choice of path in the future.
What happened during the Alliance 2006-14?
- Productivity (which is important for the rate of wage growth and for the economy to function) stopped increasing in 2007
- SD became big
- the kidnappings of the millionaires increased
- the housing bubble burst
- unemployment increased
- the areas of exclusion became worse
- it became more difficult to read at komvux
- 70-somethings and earlier generations had worse opportunities compared to the younger ones to study at university
- insurance suicides went from almost zero to significant as people panicked about underinsuring
- phase 3 became one of Sweden's largest workplaces
- it became more difficult to combine involuntary part-time unemployment with part-time unemployment insurance
- the exclusion areas faced more problems
- the principle of publicity was restricted in Sweden
- market rents were introduced for subletting of condominiums
- they removed the right to deduct union dues in the declaration in order to reduce the strength of the union. this led to mass exodus from the union
- they made it more difficult to get unemployment benefits so that only 10% of the unemployed could get it and lowered the allowance and doubled the difficulty of earning a higher
- most labor market training was removed, which contributed to the lack of job matching that exists today in many sectors of the labor market
- they removed the last housing subsidies for the construction of affordable rental units, fueling the housing bubble
- ...
point 3 What is meant? the kidnappings of the millionaires increased
It was written in the newspapers that after the Alliance took over in 2006, the number of kidnappings of millionaires in Sweden increased. Wider economic gaps affect even the richest.