In the bourgeois dream society, enormous differences in wealth prevail. There is no free school, care or care to speak of. Everyone gets to work extremely hard thanks to a deregulated labor law.
It is easy to lose one's job and there is high unemployment with low compensation levels in the social security fund, if any. The rents are maximized and the standard often deficient. It is difficult for many, but especially for low-income earners, to afford entertainment. Many jobs are dangerous and the working environment is bad. It comes with expensive fees to study at the university which means that 97% of students come from upper middle class and upper class homes.
The greenhouse effect is disappearing and we have more frequent catastrophic weather that hits the poorest the hardest.
Most sick and/or disabled people are referred to homelessness and begging. It takes charity from family or the non-profit sector to get help when you are in need.
Unemployment is high to keep workers' wages and conditions down. This leads to diminishing profits for the capital owners as the poor majority of the population is unable to keep the economic cycle going. The recessions are many and deep. There is no large public sector to maintain purchasing power during economic crises.
The bourgeois utopia means unlimited freedom for the capital owners and gives everyone else freedom between working themselves to death and starving.
This anti-society does not arise immediately, but it is where the citizens want to be in the long run.