Sweden is a country of talented people who stress to get everything done and right. But being a bit mischievous, according to economics and happiness researcher Micael Dahlen, does not seem to hurt, but may have a weak connection with a psychologically richer life. A Novus poll showed that 49% had cheated either sometime in the past year or sometime in the past week. This survey also shows that there is a slight increased tendency towards joy in life and happiness in those who play pranks. There is a stronger but slight tendency towards a psychologically richer inner life in the mischievous. So maybe it's time for Swedes to take a little time off from their talent and be a little more mischievous. At least sometimes. The source is here.
This agrees quite well with the neurological research review”Your Brain at work". According to it, we solve problems more effectively when we are relaxed, not overly focused, and in an egalitarian organization.
Equality also makes us feel and function better socially according to the research review "The spirit of equality".
Another society for all is also the key if the red-greens are to get power back.
Psychologist Samuel West says to the magazine Colleague that children's, employees', organizations' and certainly also societies' path to development and/or new inventions goes through failures. A basic psychological security distinguishes innovative organizations.