Now we turn the development. In 1901, mobile phones only existed in science fiction novels. Welfare was so far away that it was mostly a question for the grandchildren. Despite this, the labor movement and the radical liberals of the time fought for a fairer society. (Today's liberals are far to the right of those of that time.) The church movements also played a big role. It took a while before we became a welfare nation to be reckoned with. Closer to 60 years. But we got there.
So, of course it can it feels difficult today. Rent increases and deterioration of labor rights are uncomfortably close. Be of good cheer. We must turn the tide and we are starting now. You are needed. Your friends are needed. We are all needed in this good project.
How shall we do then? Our red-green parties and interest associations go a long way. If you think they've gone too far to the right, join in and change them from within. Feel free to be a little creative and create media space for justice issues. Tell the truth and come up with good alternatives. Let us now feel the joy of building the future society. The future begins today.