In these times av equilibrium unemployment and unrest in the world, there is reason to think about what a better society could look like. We live in a country with many highly educated people. The knowledge and experience in Sweden is great. We have a lot to give each other.
But, everyone who are sick then? Anyone who can't take it? Anyone who can't? Of course, those who are prevented from participating in community building must receive the care and compensation that is needed. The good society is about using our common forces in an optimal way. A good working life makes people feel good. People who feel good do a better job. Which leads to a better society.
The money then? Who should finance the good society? If more people get work, the tax base will increase. This in turn leads to increased turnover. Of course, it is important to keep an eye on inflation. A minor inflation is, however, relatively easy to handle.
In which areas should society improve? The welfare sector is largely neglected. After the drastic cuts of the 1990s, mostly a patchwork remains. Some areas of improvement:
- School-Increased staffing. Stop withdrawals
- Social services-Increased staffing and more supervision time
- Healthcare-Increased staffing and higher wages on the floor
- Myndighetssverige-A welfare state needs a well-functioning administration. General resource boost.
Can a larger welfare sector really solve everything? Can't it be too big? We see no problem in restoring the public sector to the levels of the early 1990s. Especially not when Sweden has become significantly richer since then. A larger public sector cannot solve everything, but it is a good start. So let's start from the beginning. Let's build a stable society where all citizens are taken care of.