I got a right-wing man to agree that private property rights are a social construct. My view is that this justifies sufficient taxation to keep welfare going. However, he thought that you had the right not to have to share your hard work that you did yourself. But we all live in a society where we depend on each other's work. Even the capitalist who built his company with his own toil is dependent on appropriating the surplus value of his employees' work.
If the worker is ready to pay taxes, there are, among other things, opportunity for him or her child to study at university, there is an opportunity for those who become ill or unemployed in their family to get back on track.
If the unemployed find it too difficult financially and in terms of rights, the unemployed will stop making reasonable demands on employers. This creates a market for unscrupulous employers and ever-decreasing wages and working conditions.
Even the capitalist is dependent on the unemployed and those on sick leave also being able to consume in order for him to get a market for his products. The negative interest rates are due to the employees alone not being able to consume enough to keep the economic wheels rolling.