Robert Mundell (1932-2021) was the designer behind the euro. The large and respected British newspaper The Guardian writes about the idea maker behind the euro. He thought it too difficult to fire European workers.
Robert Mundell created a pirate ship to crush the working class
The EU that was supposed to be a flagship became a pirate ship. Robert Mundell realized that a common currency would lead to disaster for the Euro countries in the recessions that come to all countries from time to time. Without the euro, the countries of Europe could pursue an individual monetary policy if they had their own currency. Then, in a recession, they could pursue Keynesian demand-stimulating policies and devalue the currency to get out of the recession. This was not possible with a common currency and monetary policy.
Then the only option would be to lower wages and worsen/deregulate the conditions for the workforce, to scrap environmental considerations and to privatize/sell off public assets en masse.
Read more here! Also read this article about how the euro is crushing the member states.
So who is Robert Mundell? He was a professor of economics at Columbia University and the Chinese University of Hong Kong.
He received the Sveriges Riksbank's prize in economic science in memory of Alfred Nobel in 1999. Robert Mundell's research dealt with monetary dynamics and the optimal currency range. The Nobel laureate laid the foundation for the introduction of the euro through this work. Mundell helped start the movement known as supply-side economics.
The economic prize channel for neoliberalism
Since 1968, the Riksbank's prize has served as a channel for neoliberal economics in the academic world. See the "Nobel Prize" on this website.
Mundell was not only a designer for Euros. He also sought a new world currency intended to replace the dollar. Mundell planned for a currency union between the United States, Canada and Mexico. The North American Union is a project organized by the US Council on Foreign Relations, Canada's Council of Chief Executives and Mexico's Mexican Council on Foreign Relations. It is an "EU concept" that began in 2004.
Supply-side economics
Supply-side economics is a school of macroeconomics. This claims that economic growth takes place in the most efficient way by lowering the barriers to companies' production and sale of goods and services. This must be done by lowering the income tax and the tax on the capitalists' profits. Companies then grow into large international corporations.
Bilderberg Herman van Rompuy spoke of global governance when he became president of the EU. He expressed this thought without public knowledge at the G20 meeting in London in April 2009
- 2009 is also the first year of global governance through the establishment of the G20 in the midst of the financial crisis and the prevailing climate crisis.
Prime ministers in Europe have been Bilderbergs just like Van Rompuy for decades. The Bildberg group is the center of indoctrination and a think tank for the future governance of world politics.