Crisis makers Anders Borg and Fredrik Reinfeldt spread their myths about one thing and another. Borg says of Greece: "They live beyond their means." Time is about the future of democracy.
Greece joined the EC in 1981. Even then there was a crisis. The EC/EU has been throwing wood into the Greek fire since the 80s. Borg doesn't say that. The OECD warned.
The US Senate has directed extremely harsh criticism in 2011 of the way Goldman Sachs acted during the financial crisis and in the Greek debt crisis, which masked the real debt.With the euro all that changed and now Europe must choose between plague and cholera.
Debt is just a symptom. Actually, the euro crisis is about the fact that Southern Europe has never managed to keep pace with its competitors from Northern Europe. As long as each country had its own currency, there was no tragedy in this. The differences in productivity development could then be regulated by the German D-mark being strengthened annually by a few percent against the weaker competitor countries. euro crisis scenarios shows how the labor cost per manufactured unit has changed since the introduction of the euro.
For a long time, an elite has destroyed the tax system with a watertight cheat. Without a functioning tax system, no society can function. The EC/EU must have known this and thus become co-responsible for the development. The people of Greece have had to live under Kafka-like regulations and almost medieval guild monopolies. In the World Bank's compilation of economic freedom, Greece ranks 135th, 150th and 155th out of a total of 183 countries in terms of freedom to start a business, register property and protection of investments.
Former Commissioner and now Italian Council President Mario Monti openly declared himself a supporter of the "shock doctrine" at a conference in March 2011, when he proclaimed:
"Thank you, Greek crisis!"
Anders Borg is dedicated to both real crisis and imagined crisis. In 2006, there was an upswing in Sweden after the S-government's restructuring. With Borg, it was a fresh start to the crisis. Attacking the entire social system, privatizing, destroying future social conditions and widening the gaps with tax cuts became the model.
The euro is a monetary construct unprecedented in history. The entire EU is unprecedented. A project since 1947. With an elite! The ECB turned EMU countries into rudderless ships. They became wrecks.
The ECB is as unreasonable as installing a thermostat in Brussels to regulate the heat in the houses around southern, western, eastern and northern Europe. It will either be too hot or too cold. The central control turns into a huge sub-optimization.
All countries are like people with different conditions, cultures and assets.
The member states that use the euro as currency and are thus part of the monetary union have then transferred their monetary policy to European Central Bank (ECB) and The European System of Central Banks (ESCB).
We have in the ECB a central bank with no connection to a single political entity, but which claims to run a monetary system for eleven different countries. Each of these countries has thrown away the key. A Monetary Union – a monetary system that creates money through debt. The defense of this common currency is the engine of the crises. Behind the curtain is the IMF. The same applied to the Swedish crown defense in 1991-1994, which caused Sweden to bleed to death.
Through the EU, a structural transformation of production and distribution takes place. A greater industrialization and centralization for large scale has taken place where empty potatoes are to be transported from Belgium to Sweden.
Economist Paul Krugman has pointed out that Spain now has almost as big financial problems as Greece, but without the country having either fiddled with accounts or broken EMU's rules for deficits and indebtedness. Portugal, Ireland and Italy also have economic difficulties, but so far no one claims that lazy workers are the cause.
Paul Krugman believes that Greece will be forced to leave the euro. And warns that an exit risks splitting the entire eurozone.
- The problem for Greece is that the country does not have its own currency, which makes them very vulnerable, he said in a recent BBC interview.
He is also very critical of the austerity policy within EU where Germany is leading the way.
- I think Greece must leave the euro. There are no other ways
The crash in 2008 is a killing blow straight across.
The economics prize winner 2001 Joseph Stiglitz widely known as one of the economists who early warned of the US mortgage bubble and the risks of another financial crisis.
He has called the EU leaders' austerity policy a "suicide pact".
- It's like a medieval blood donation. But often when you drained the patient of blood, it only got sicker. The answer then was to lose even more blood until the patient almost died. What is happening in Europe is like a joint suicide pact, he told The Telegraph in January.
The German economist and former head of the Bundesbank Hans Tietmeyer said before the launch of EMU that the monetary union was like a "pressure cooker without safety valves". When the possibility of devaluing oneself from cost crises disappeared, "trade union and social rights would be boiled soft - or to mush". We see it happening.
Jonas Ljungberg, professor of economic history, have calculated that an EMU country like Ireland in the early 2000s would have needed four to five percentage points higher interest rates to stop the domestic cost increase that is currently damaging competitiveness.
Tony Johansson, PhD student in economic history, have pointed to:
"At the same time that the world's economic powers agree that the global crisis must be met with expansionary policy, the hardest hit EMU countries and the countries in the union's waiting room are being prescribed the opposite medicine in the form of deflationary policy, as if it had been taken from the depression of the 30s. And the result in the form of mass unemployment is also most similar to the 1930s.”
The French economist Jean-Paul Fitoussi at the Institut d'Études Politiques in Paris states that the Greek famine cure will not even lead to the country being able to pay its debts. "Deflation increases the debt burden, so [Greece] ends up in a vicious circle that leads to hell," he told the International Herald Tribune on May 2, 2010.
Pro-EMU leaders call the Greek protests in the streets of Athens a threat to democracy. It's obviously just the opposite. The Greeks are fighting to reclaim a democracy that was taken from them. That fight is as much about our future as Greece's.
Se "The German Plan for Europe" :
The EU is not built on the economy that obeys the laws of nature, but on what is made up of market laws.
The EU is an outdated project. It is economically ignorant people who built the EU project. They are only thinkers who suboptimize free flows of money and capital. People are reduced to flows of labor.
The market economy is based on supply and demand, which excludes society and nature.
Well written!
/ Shit