My clap to all of you is my call and wish that we all be more generous to each other. If the socio-political and economic conditions become more equal not only in Sweden but all over the world so growing the economy and becomes more stable. Poor people cannot consume and consumption and the number of jobs are intimately dependent on each other.
The rich exaggerated as well consumption that saving stresses the environment about as much (I've heard it has a greater environmental impact) than a more egalitarian economy several studies show. One type of consumption that can create jobs without affecting the environment nearly as much as private consumption is public investment in schools, healthcare, welfare, culture and railways.
Then we must have private consumption as well. It brings joy, jobs and tax revenue. But we can perhaps reduce the worst hobby consumption and consume more only what we actually need? The flame wrote that if we only went back to our flying habits around the year 2000, this would do an enormous amount of good for environmental development.
When everyone gets better all over the world, the breeding ground for crime, war, hate crimes, hatred, xenophobia/racism and terror decreases. The Sociological Summary Book "The spirit of equality” shows how equality leads to better results for the majority in all areas. Did you know that even the very richest live longer in more equal societies?
Unfortunately, many people vote right-wing and far-right, but the popular protest votes keep the forces of the right at bay. Even in Poland with its far-right government, the protesting masses are effectively pushing back the government's worst policies. And we in the West are fighting a good fight against trade agreements such as TTIP, TPP and CETA. We need to fight for the states of the world to continue to introduce environmentally friendly energy sources and to ban neonicotinoids that threaten bees so that life and humanity can survive and flourish.
Dare to have the political conversation with your friends, colleagues, relatives and those you meet. Conversations about politics affect the development of the world and are also among the most interesting topics of conversation.
Together we are strong! Together we feel better.