In order to create employment for more people, a number of measures are needed, we need to help those affected by involuntary unemployment and long-term part-time sick leave.
-public sector should set a good example and let part-time sick jobseekers choose full-time or part-time employment themselves. Maybe even the healthy should be allowed to choose part-time. Here, however, I am not entirely sure. Many studies show that efficiency increases the more working hours are shortened. Time for recovery, free activity and productivity are linked.
-we had hobos back in the day. These were people who did not keep up with society's skills development either due to involuntary unemployment or illness/work injury. An important thing to counteract job matching problems is that more is invested again in labor market training. There should be education both for those with a high school diploma as well as for those with a post-secondary degree. There should be both shorter and longer courses. The courses should be available both full-time and part-time to accommodate part-time sick leavers.
-the salary contribution should be increased so that it covers a salary range that also includes highly educated people with an acquired or congenital disability.
-internships are often abused by employers who are only looking for free labour. When interns do their internship, they perform value-creating work. But the value of this is reduced for society and the individual if practice does not also lead to increased purchasing power. Therefore, internships should be replaced by trainee positions where the public sector takes all or a large part of the salary cost. The salary could be based on each individual's social security fund plus SEK 4. If the employer is allowed to take a smaller part of the wage cost, the risk is reduced that employers who are only looking for free labor unwisely look for trainees/interns. There should be rules so that the same employer cannot apply for trainees too often. Exceptions may be made for legitimate non-profit organizations.
We also need to greatly expand the public sector to provide employment to those who cannot find work in the private sector. With its employment, the public sector keeps purchasing power up, provides important services to private individuals, companies, authorities, supplies schools, care and welfare. In addition, much of the most important is happening technology and pharmaceutical development in the public sector or financed by the same. At the 2006 election, with the help of the Riksdag's investigation service, the Left Party calculated that the cost of eliminating unemployment with a larger public sector would pay for itself with reduced costs for social insurance, less benefits, less stress-related illnesses and less ill health as a result of long-term unemployment.
Obvious. We have written about that on Red Justice before as well.