In Sweden, we should have equal pensions. Just like when they were introduced.
Low-wage occupations, involuntary unemployment, disability and illness/sickness allowance/sick pay are probably so tiring but also profitable for society. At the same time, in isolation, they keep inflation down and keep care, welfare and labor market authorities and organizations working.
The first day of the old-age pension at the maximum standard pension should never be higher than 65 years. With all the constant increase in productivity, the people should get a share of the same in a low retirement age and reduced working hours with a maintained salary. And as long as we have unemployment for those between the ages of 18-65, it is illogical to raise the retirement age. So we must have equal pensions.
Given that we are to accept refugees in adulthood and have structural unemployment planned in the fight against inflation, the rules should only require 20 years of paid work, unemployment insurance, sickness benefit or sickness allowance for a good standard pension.
Indeed, the pension should be at 80% of the top 10 earning years.
And no one should receive a pension lower than 20 before tax today and that level should be regulated by the price and wage index.
We are cutting pensions even though society can afford them. Sweden saves on pensions to benefit Capital. We must have equal pensions.
Read the Deficit myth which i.a. tells about how we can afford the pensions.
#pension #socialinsurance #equality #equality
Good suggestion! SEK 20/month before tax compared to SEK 000/month today! But really, State pensions should be the same for everyone!? There are so many other pension schemes (Employment pensions 8% to ordinary and 000% of large salaries to the elite!) that give a lot to high earners! Then the taxes on low income earners should be reviewed! No low-income earners in the entire world pay as high taxes as those who live in Sweden!? While Swedish high income earners don't pay the most in the world!?
I think there must be some reward for those who strived and were lucky, but the minimum level must be sufficient to live well on.