There is also happiness. Of course, the fight for a just society is the most important thing, but we should not miss enjoying all the good things we have achieved in society.
A good dinner with a friend or family member. A glass of beer in the pub sometime. A walk or a workout because it reduces stress and makes us feel better in body and mind. We can allow ourselves happiness sometimes.
A useless book or film/TV series that you don't watch for the sake of the message, but because it brings joy for the moment. Washing oneself or doing one's toilet can also be a source of great joy. Or to just sleep a little extra on Sunday morning or when you have a day off. One or those work friends who are nice, you can take it easy for a while. Joking and philosophizing about high and low. There are moments of happiness.
Not just hard fighting
The hard fight against suffering is usually always there, but we have to allow ourselves to enjoy in between if possible. Often I think it goes too many.
Be happy because it could always be worse but don't give up the fight to get better.
Try to pick your battles though! There is love and joy in the world too. Choose happiness.
Appropriate expectations make it easier
The dead brain by Anders E Hansen and The spirit of equality by Richard Wilkinson and Kate Pickett have two different perspectives on wellbeing. The depression brain focuses that our brain is made to constantly strive to get better and never settle. Those who were content on the savanna in the stone age were eaten by tigers or did not find new berries to eat. The brain wonders why we are not happier today when we can often treat ourselves to so much good? The spirit of equality focuses on the fact that humans, just like monkeys and many animals, are made to protect equality and cooperation. Your work is hard and doesn't pay much. The A-cash gives a mediocre existence, even if you can afford an ice cream sometimes. The pension is not enough. The rich have it much better. It makes our brain unhappy, because it is made to feel good about equality. It was cooperation that made man conquer the earth. Therefore, even the richest become unhappier and live shorter lives in more unequal societies.
But Depphjärnan says that knowledge that there are many mechanisms in our brain that never want to be satisfied and enjoy for a long time is important. With that insight, we can have more moments of happiness. According to Depphjärnan, we also become happier by focusing on good tasks to do. Most people become unhappy if they ask themselves if they are happy. Then the brain becomes happier from positive surprises than from disappointments. So if you don't have too high expectations of life and try to do the right thing, you can perhaps be positively surprised and happy for a while a little more often.
Have you done your fight for justice, can you perhaps treat yourself to some reasonable expectations of life and enjoy a cup of coffee with a friend for a little while?