Which way should the left choose?
Who or who governs society? To be able to answer that question, we need to analyze power in our society. Somewhat simplified, we can talk about three different forms of social power:
* economic power
* political power
* ideological power
The individuals who have the economic power are the most wealthy. The political power belongs to those who have the most power in elected assemblies. And, finally, the groups with the most ideological power are those whose voices are loudest in the public debate.
Where are the left's greatest opportunities to influence? The left-wing movement does not, with the exception of a few individuals, have any major economic power. Nor does the left have any major political power because Sweden has a right-wing government. What then remains is the ideological power. And this is where the left-wing movement currently has the greatest power to influence. It is by constantly talking about the benefits of a strong and just society that the left can succeed. That struggle costs time, commitment and all kinds of sacrifices. But it doesn't cost money.
Insightfully written.
Central banks print and lend money to the government. Which means that every kroner must be paid back by the state as well as the prevailing interest on it. Since the central bank determines inflation (how much money to print), they also determine the value they get back. Thus, the state is always in debt. Right now, the Swedish Riksbank is no longer state-controlled. Moving on here, we'll see how it all started and look at Federal
Reserve in the USA.
The central bank in the United States is called the Federal Reserve. However, it is not a state administration but a completely private one. The founding of the Federal Reserve came about because they wanted to stabilize the flow of money in the country and prevent small private banks from issuing money. The Federal Reserve thus prints money and makes a living by charging interest on it - which means that every dollar they print they get back as well as the prevailing interest rate. This interest rate is determined by the value of the money. The value of money is determined by the Federal Reserve
and depending on how much money they want to print - in other words, how much inflation they decide it should be. Before, the money was equated to a value of gold held by the banks. The Federal Reserve removed it and the value of money is now entirely determined by the actual quantity in circulation.
To connect this with the Swedish Riksbank, everything is money
in the world anchored in the dollar. As it is, the value of the dollar is determined by the Federal Reserve, which in turn is a private corporation. This means that the Federal Reserve can influence the economy all over the world - that is, that a few people can control the world economy. Thus, national debts and the value of money lie with a small group of powerful people.
For those of you who found this information interesting, there is more out there in the ether. There you can read about the fact that the Federal Reserve is actually an institution that is illegal according to the US Constitution. And also how throughout history they swept the carpet with the state to push through their position of power. Moreover, it is surely time to learn and take a stand - these first-class citizens that we really are!?!
"I sincerely believe that banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies, and that the principle of spending money to be paid by posterity, under the name of funding, is but swindling futurity on a large scale."
Thomas Jefferson