Finance Minister Anders Borg claimed yesterday in P1 in the debate with S's economic-policy spokesperson Magdalena Andersson that the government's desire to improve social insurance was a return to a contribution line. This is not right.
First, social security is not a grant.
Then, as Borg advocates a tight-rope policy, only makes the jobseekers desperate and accept substandard wages and conditions. It is a job degradation line. Nor is it proven that it leads to more people looking for more jobs.
Sossarna combines a line of training opportunities so that job seekers can acquire the skills that are in demand in the ever-changing labor market. In addition, a generous social insurance policy means that people dare to demand conditions in accordance with collective agreements. Jobs are therefore not getting worse with S's policy.
In addition, a generous distribution policy maintains purchasing power in these times when, more often than not, there is recession and a lack of jobs.