Here you can read the story of how both the right and the left abandoned the line of work. The new line of work does not mean more jobs, but only reduced compensation and more control measures by policyholders. This will turn the unemployed and those on sick leave into a reserve labor army as Marx predicted. This army makes the employees exert themselves to the utmost to keep their jobs while they only place moderate wage demands. So wages are kept low at the same time that Sweden, until the 2008 crisis, was able to maintain a very high growth rate that delivered decent profits to capital.
The right has always, and always will, do what benefits capital in the long run.
Or at least what they think benefits capital. The right may have a superstition in low wages for the majority, which reduces consumption which reduces corporate profits. There is a marginal leeway where a skilled left-wing politician can benefit the majority of the people and capital more than the right.