Society is tough and Capital takes too large a share of the fruits of Labour. But Sweden is still, according to many surveys, one of the best countries on earth. If you can, treat yourself to a coffee with a friend or loved one, go to the cinema, borrow or buy a good book, take a walk or exercise. Or just take a nap.
We do most of the fight not by suffering but by voting red-green. It also helps to talk about politics and social issues, but you can do this in a joking way and remind yourself of how much better it was in Sweden after the 2014 election when the red-greens came to power. The economy is going like a train, more people have jobs, the bottleneck in health insurance has been eased and more homes are being built than in a long time.
Then you can improve your working conditions by not taking on too much. Do your duty but claim your right. If you get an education, you not only get a higher salary and more enjoyable tasks, but often also a slightly more tolerable work environment. University education is free of charge in Sweden and very good and fun to attend. Then there are shorter courses such as YH/KY courses or just a few days' courses that specialize you as a worker.
Although it is tough, avoid consuming through loans. All loans must be repaid and with juicy interest. If you plan your purchases and entertainment, you can have a lot of fun for cheap. Borrowing from the library and walking are free, and meeting friends at home for coffee is cheaper than going out for coffee.
If you want to start saving in shares, that is also okay. This the book gives a good basic price if you disregard the tip to finance share purchases with loans.
But remember to allow yourself time for recovery and training. Both are essential to our ability to enjoy and cope with life and work. Training doesn't have to be expensive. A 40-minute walk at a reasonable pace every two or three days can be enough.
There are all opportunities to improve one's life.