Since the 1990s has about 400 jobs gone from the labor market. Those who have remained have had to do the work. The stress has increased significantly. This has led to a sharp increase in the number of sick leave by the employees. How have the managers fared then?
Managers who are exposed to high stress get increased adrenaline levels and behave more often worse towards their staff. Management consultant Jeanett Paludan describes in the Sydsvenska dagbladet on March 29, 2016 how managers who are highly stressed can display purely narcissistic traits. But she wants to be careful about making diagnoses. The problems still there:
"- Prolonged stress turns us into fighters or flighters. High adrenaline exposure for a long time can cause some people to turn off their empathy. It especially affects managers who don't exercise physically, they don't get rid of their adrenaline, says Jeanett Paludan and describes that a good leader must be able to lead himself, lead others and allow himself to be led by others."
What is then solution? To expand the public sector and restore strong welfare. More personnel are needed in care, school and care. Employment agencies, social workers and administrators at the Social Insurance Agency are other groups that need increased support and more employees who share the workload. Trying to solve a severe understaffing with mindfulness courses, yoga is very good but cannot be more than a step on the way. The workload must be reduced. We must become more people who share the tasks. In addition, we get an increased turnover and a better economy. For all.