I already wrote at the end of the summer that the Swedish economy began to grow and unemployment to fall. The trend has continued under our red-green government.
Historically, there is usually a connection between right-wing governments and recession. Presumably this is because bourgeois governments make people so poor that too many cannot afford to consume. After all, consumption creates jobs.
What drives the Swedish economy is now also that we have started building housing again. Satisfying the needs of the people is again good for the economy.
In November, Swedish unemployment was 6,2%, which is very low. A few weeks ago, the report came out that the Swedish economy grew by 3,9% in one year. By Western standards, this is record growth.
More people in Sweden increase consumption. There is also a lack of labor in many blue-collar professions but also in white-collar professions. With good SFI teaching, internships and reintroducing also qualified labor market training, we can create work not only for the refugees but also for all of us.
It is about building Sweden bigger, not smaller.
Often it is disbelief that welfare works as well as it does that drives people to the extreme right. Talk to people and tell them about how well Sweden is doing. Together we are strong.