The government abandons the housing policy. First, the Tidö government decided that they would abolish all housing subsidies. Now the minister is canceling two investigations that had the purpose of countering residential segregation.
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Yes, with even more residential segregation, it paves the way for even more social problems in vulnerable areas.
It will also be a problem to get it out housing people can afford to live in. This is particularly noticeable in expansive regions, which can become a bottleneck for the industry.
The Tidö government's policy will probably lead to overcrowding and rising rents. More people who need housing then have to fight for fewer housing units. Classic bourgeois politics.
Higher rents reduce the purchasing power of society and thus the productivity of industry.
Then more people will borrow money to buy a home. When the state pursues a policy aimed at avoiding creating money may money is created by people borrowing from the bank. In the end, people run out of opportunities to borrow money due to a too low credit rating. Then they can even start paying off their loans. Then the amount of money in society decreases. Money is just debt. When people pay off debt, the debt ceases to exist. Then all of a sudden there is not enough money in society for production and society risks a financial crisis.