An article in Telegraph has been leaked about the German government's memorandum on the future of the EU. A full-fledged "political union" in Europe is being discussed at the highest level in the German government.
David Cameron in the UK does not need to hold a referendum on EU treaty changes. A plan is already prepared. In Germany!
A memo from the German Foreign Ministry argues that the EU's economic powers should intervene in the event of a financial collapse in Europe. A new EU body will then take over the economies of the beleaguered euro countries. Two main steps are envisaged:
1. Create a "stability union".
2. The road to political union.
A plan for the "new" Europe is underway
to be worked out in silence
Four of the EU's most important powers are currently planning a plan for Europe that will lead to an extensive deepening of EU cooperation. According to the German newspaper World on Sunday come the four
- Herman Van Rompuy of the European Council,
- President of the European Commission José Manuel Barroso
- Eurogroup chief Jean-Claude Juncker
- ECB President Mario Draghi – to prepare a document for the big summit in Brussels at the end of June.
The plan covers 4 areas
- Structural reforms measures apply to the internal market such as the service sector
- A banking union with joint financial inspection, deposit guarantee and a European bank rescue fund
- A financial union via the introduction of Eurobonds and joint responsibility for each other's debts, writes Die Welt. But so far, Germany has stopped all proposals that have even mentioned Eurobonds – or stability bonds as Barroso now calls them.
- A fiscal union with a full-scale political union.
A draft of a roadmap must be drawn up that spans five to ten years. The EU Commission spokesperson denied on Monday that a secret plan is being prepared.
Deepening the Economic and Monetary Union has been something we have talked about for a long time, while we have put forward proposals in the meantime to deal with the crisis and strengthen the governance of EMU, the spokesperson said.
The euro crisis will give Germany the empire,
what they have always dreamed of
"The euro crisis will give Germany the empire it's always dreamed of",
Peter Osborne, The Telegraph
Germany plans to take the lead in this European superstate where spending and taxes are planned from Brussels.
Germany has come very close to realizing Bismarck's dream of an economic empire stretching from Central Europe to the Eastern Mediterranean.
Germany has had a decisive part in building up the imbalances within the eurozone which are the main cause of the current euro crisis. Germany can be seen as the mother of the euro crisis and now wants to assume the role of "saviour". The method has been known for centuries.
Milton Milton Friedman formulated the chaos theory of disaster economics to change.
"Only a crisis - real or imagined - can bring about real change".
National sovereignty becomes a thing of the past, when European bureaucrats intend to run everything.
Of course, this will never be accepted by the people of Europe until they feel the bitter pain of this impending economic collapse. The choice between plague or cholera. Greece is in this difficult position.
The fund plan that converts Europe
This German memo also shows a plan to create a European monetary fund with a transfer of sovereignty from member states. The fund will have the power to take over the ailing euro countries' economies.
"The debate on the path to a political union must begin as soon as the course towards a stability union is charted", this 6-page document states
"France and Germany understand the importance of strengthening the union between the countries of the euro area with new taxes and legal measures to get people to stop borrowing and spending too much in the future" (while there is no mention of the banks' fraudulent dealings, the reactionary economic elite, tax looting or the lack of national redistribution of tax funds)
(who has borrowed and lent?)
(who deregulated the banks and spread the crises?)
The outer group of nations
The UK will then be relegated to a new external group of EU members who are not in the common currency (including Sweden?).
David Cameron will now travel to Brussels and Berlin for tense talks with Merkel amid disagreements between these leaders over how to deal with the eurozone.
The first step. Pledge of sovereignty.
The EU Commissioner Michel Barnier presented the next step 6/6 2012:
- The banks must pay for the banks. We want to break the link that exists between banking crises and the public finances, i.e. the taxpayers. National crisis funds must be built up.
According to the bill, the EU's banks must set aside money for crisis funds, which in ten years should have built up to over SEK 600 billion, according to the European Commission's calculations. This money must be able to be used in future banking crises.
The game in front of the gallery is very cunning. Nations in debt crisis may in the future have to pledge their national sovereignty to be saved. The austerity policy has closed development paths. Now the "EU-ness" appears as "rescue". They create crisis, austerity and offer the "bailout."
Moderate Gunnar Hökmark will be in charge for the EU Parliament's handling of the bill, where he sees reduced risks for taxpayers as the most important part.
It is a way to also reinforce in the long term that it is bank management, bank boards and owners of banks who must take care to manage their operations so that you do not come close to the risks that we have seen, says Gunnar Hökmark.
Today's proposal involves more joint supervision and crisis management for banks in the EU. Among other things, from 2018 Michel Barnier wants to see a European system with banks' "guarantee", i.e. that those who have lent money to banks can be forced to write off a large part of their claims on a major bank that is on the verge of bankruptcy.
What are the consequences of the decision on funds?
It is almost impossible to overestimate the importance of this decision that EU leaders want to adhere to. By allowing a huge expansion in national emergency funds to support the EU's peripheral members (largely to stop the contagion spreading to Italy and Spain), the eurozone has taken the decisive step towards becoming a fiscal union.
If the settlement is approved of the national parliaments will, this will be a doomsday hour for Europe and will cease to exist as an independent nation. What remains is a scattering of nation-states.
What will apply with a fiscal union?
- First, it will involve the economic destruction of most of the southern European countries. In fact, this process is already well advanced.
- Peripheral EMU countries which Greece and Portugal - and increasingly Spain and Italy - are undergoing a process of forced deindustrialisation.
- We have also seen this process in Sweden since the 90s crisis and the Alliance's disarmament program in the 2000s
- Their economic sovereignty is wiped out. They face a future as vassal states, diminished in their new role they enjoy becoming European colonies in the 2000st century.
- They will turn into new "suppliers" to offer cheap labor (slaves), raw materials, agricultural products and a ready market for industrial goods and services from the far more productive and efficient northern Europeans.
- Their political leaders will, like the hapless George Papandreou in Greece,
lose all political legitimacy, become local representatives of distant powers forced to implement economic programs from elsewhere in return - Germany is getting busy with turning into one of the most dynamic and productive economies in the world
- Germany is now coming very close to realizing Bismarck's dream of an economic empire stretching from Central Europe to the Eastern Mediterranean. The Europe that resembles Emperor Charlemagne's empire in the ninth century
- The EU project's demented idea is to save the common currency instead of initiating one
national internal disposition and domestic development with people as the cause and goal of development. The 2000st century "new deal" is total pledging of nations. - This demented idea also applied to the crown defense in Sweden 1991-1994 through Prime Minister Carl Bild and Riksbank Governor Bengt Dennis. A knife in the back with 500% interest, 500 unemployed and 000 companies in bankruptcy.
- The social cause and foundation in economy and society crushed in these future listening states.
- The consequence is a resurgent centralized reactionary capitalism. The state capitalism that prevailed and was fought during the 1900th century appears in a new guise. The Eastern States become the new Western States. "Nothing new on the Western Front," it said.
What has Germany done during this time since the 90s that the other countries did not?
Yes. they have invested in development. In the wake of the euro crisis, well-educated young Spaniards, Portuguese, Italians and Portuguese are now fleeing to Germany where export companies are crying out for labour. Germany is the winner of the crisis.
Wind turbines are said to provide 700 jobs. EU refugees now learn German and are ushered into new jobs in Germany. The rest of Europe is losing its best skills. The European Pact prevents domestic development from gaining a foothold in weak countries. The "New Kingdom" is being built.
Our politicians in the rest of Europe have been puppets and at the same time have resisted domestic development and they have downgraded their usefulness.
“Warning about visions!”
This EU policy has also applied with the Alliance. All intelligence has focused on spreading lies, myths, dismantling and obscuring the future. All the focus has been on debate about tax instead of future and development.
The hidden German devaluation
With the euro, Germany gained access to a hidden devaluation with weaker and weaker euro countries. The EU's internal market became Germany's internal market. 42% of German exports go to EU countries. It's like the whole thing is tailor-made.
The German-born American Professor Jörg Bibow argues in a recent analysis, "The Euro Debt Crisis and Germany's Euro Trilemma" from Levy Economics Institute, well because of how Germany, through its deflationary wage development relative to other euro countries, has shot at other countries' inflation through the central interest rate locked in the countries' fiscal policy.
Germany has thus built its success in absorbing external demand, exports, not least from its euro peers.
Chancellor Angela Merkel with former President Nicolas Sarkozy pushed forward a crisis policy of austerity, cutbacks and privatizations in the crisis countries of the eurozone which led to a deeper path down into the depression. The people believed that the EU project was a peace project that would prevent future wars. Instead, a new war came, an economic war. Against the independence of peoples and nations.
Everything turned into a collaboration with the representatives of the skimmer from outside and inside. PIIGS countries are manipulated nations for a path to crisis. and unfreedom. The people were led behind the light.
EMU became a fatal central government. They became ships without rudder. They are blamed for waste. The independence of nations rests on their own currency and a functioning tax system. All this was undermined.
With crisis to change
After their initiation of chaos now comes The IMF chief in the information war and call themselves the world's problem solvers and those who save, who spread the world's austerity according to the IMF's program and suppression.
The IMF cannot be considered an impartial arbiter of the world but has served as a plaything for a reactionary European elite, of which the latest managing director, Christine Lagard, is the latest manifestation. The IMF insists that the only conceivable salvation for the euro area is to introduce greater fiscal integration between member states.”, write Peter Osborn in the Telegraph
<"There is no economy in the world, whether it is low-income countries, emerging markets, middle-income countries or super-advanced economies that will be immune to the crisis that we see not only unfolding, but escalating," says Christine Lagarde in a speech at the US State Department in Washington.
“It is not a crisis that will be solved by a group of countries taking action. It will hopefully be solved by all countries, all regions, all categories of countries that actually take action.
Debt in a double sense for the people in responsibility and money. IMF chief Christine Lagarde, who told the Greeks it's time to pay their taxes, doesn't pay taxes herself, writes The Independent. Politicians' speeches to the public have not matched reality. The economic social dynamics have been broken in the lack of investment and that the market mechanisms must be allowed to rule over national destiny.
Behind the EU is the IMF. The financial crisis is now creating EU refugees among the people of Europe.
The three architects of the European disaster are Angela Merkel, Nicolas Sarkozy and Mario Monti. Mario was delighted in March 2011 and exclaimed in relief:
With Greece and the EU there is the investment company Goldman Sachs. Mario Monti was an international advisor to Goldman Sachs from 2005 until his nomination to lead the Italian government. This is revealed in The world.
According to the bank, his mission was to advise "on European companies and major public policy initiatives worldwide." As such, he was a "door opener" tasked with defending Goldman's interest in the corridors of power in Europe. Other "Saxons" are
- Lucas Papademos, Governor of the Bank of Greece from 1994 to 2002.
- Mario Draghi was vice chairman of Goldman Sachs International for Europe between 2002 and 2005, which helped to hide Greece's true debt
Two other heavyweight members of Goldman's European network have also figured heavily in the euro crisis:
- Otmar Issing, former member of the Bundesbank board and chief economist of the European Central Bank
- Peter Sutherland, shaping Ireland's 2010 budget cuts , an administrator for Goldman Sachs International, who played a behind-the-scenes role in the Irish financial crash. He is a former EU commissioner, former chairman of the board of BPGoldman Sachs has a hard time criticized for its role in the financial crisis of the United States Senate. They also operate in Sweden with EQT and Wallenberg.
Fredrik Reinfeldt is in Merkel's circle and received the Ludwig Erhard Prize from German Chancellor Angela Merkel last year in 2011.
The future European superstate Germany plans to strangle the rest of Europe.
EU history is built on false pretenses, decisions outside of democracy, with masked treaties, which have led the people behind the scenes and through to create problems, indebtedness of Greece for over 30 years and blame all problems on the welfare state and claim that the solution is an unfettered free market. Who is this woman?
The entire composition of the EU is so heterogeneous that one really wonders how countries such as Bulgaria, Romania and soon Macedonia even qualify to become a member of the EU. José Manuel Barosso who has been at the helm must be removed, he is completely impossible to lead that organization.
Don't miss this video as British Member of the European Parliament (MEP) Nigel Farage floors the entire European Parliament on 16 November 2011 and especially when Angela Merkel, José Manuel Barroso, Mario Monti as well as not least puppet president Herman Van Rompuy.
"Who are you? I have never heard of you, nobody in Europe has ever heard of you”.
My perception of you before was that you are the silent killer of European democracy and the European nation-states. But you are really loud of you.
Who gave you the right to travel to Italy and say: This is not the time for election but the time for action?
It is surprising to see the President of the European Commission, José Manuel Barroso, totally unmoved browsing among his fathers, when the future of 500 million people is at stake. Yes, it can beat the world.
The contradiction had been anticipated when, at the start of the Camp David meeting, Obama greeted German Chancellor Angela Merkel with the words:
How's it going?
Merkel reacted unusually coldly, with a shrug and a snarl.
OK, you have a lot to think about, Obama admitted.
The White House then tried to paint a positive picture, by underlining, among other things, that the US "really understands the great leadership role" Merkel has in Europe, and assuring that growth measures and budget restructuring must work in parallel.
"All the leaders here today agreed that growth and jobs must be our highest priority," Obama said at the conclusion of Saturday's meeting, according to a White House report.
Yes this was a serious description of
it happens behind the scenes. Design of the EU began with the Coal & Steel Union. Step by step, the Monnet plan was implemented outside the democratic space. A commissioned work by a business elite
The European Round Table of Industrialists (ERT) became an informal forum for around 45 industrial leaders from large companies in Europe. It came to be led by Pehr Gyllenhammar in 1982, The free market came
These companies have a total turnover of over €1 trillion within the EU.
The idea of the association is that the European business community has common interests when it comes to coping with competition with the rest of the world.
The Round Table group had its office in Brussels and is one of the most powerful lobby organizations in the EU. Swedish members are currently (2012):
In 1998, the European Central Bank was established with the Euro.
Terrible conspiracy against Europe's workers and middle class, industries, democracy, welfare, competitiveness and environment, climate and nature.