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Perhaps the United States could avoid losing its special economic status by raising taxes and introducing VAT?
A strange game is going on about the currency. The US has driven its own dollar into the bottom as if to start an economic meltdown?
This has been going on for a long time. Where are all the educated financiers? Those who need high bonuses, since they are so competent? All of this is really a super mystery. How is it that multinational corporations make super profits and let the nation go to ruin???
This is not just national politics which appears without a result of the American private banking system. Large indebtedness came through wars which caused huge interest costs. Add to that nearly 10 years of property speculation in gigantic format in 2008.
IMF, International Monetary Fund, as a world bank is linked to the Federal Reserve Banks. When the IMF gives foreign loans to, for example, countries in crisis, the money comes through the Fed system. Everything becomes guilt. The banknote printer manufactures dollars.
1% interest on the national debt becomes $138 billion. The article talks about an interest cost of about 11% of the state budget and up to 20% in 2020. If there is debt then there must be creditors. Who are they?
America's Forgotten War on the Central Bank. This power is extremely dangerous. The battle was lost in 1913, when the Fed was formed. Not even the American people are spared. Their tax funds have been misused for the development of an anti-world and mass exodus. At the same time, Europe and Sweden are America's brothers in arms, according to Bildt.
The international capital that controls the dollar and the Federal Reserve System and also has control over the eastern part of the world, the Balkans, Russia China etc through the financial system. A giant spider web. The Fed owners are everywhere. As a major power, China is dependent on the United States. A hidden financial project is underway in this battle for the world economy.
The United States, Mexico and Canada are preparing to form a union similar to the EU. The same prelude applies there as for the EU. The first step in 2004 concerns the area of free trade NAFTA. But the sights are set on a federal monetarist union, the North American Union. Here, the IMF has a central role in a federal system. South America is also preparing to become a union.
The UN wants at the same time to have one new global currency to replace the dollar. In a radical report, the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) has condemned the dollar as the world currency in the financial system for currencies and regulation of capital binding. It does not work in the world economy and forms a cause of financial and economic crises.
A battle, moreover, between the dollar and the Chinese yen. The US sees the yen as having to be appreciated to create a better balance in world trade.
China wants to phase out the dollar as world currency and transform the IMF, the International Monetary Fund, into a global bank. The dollar is proposed to be replaced by the International Monetary Fund's internal currency SDR a mix of all leading currencies.
Each of the 185 member countries must own shares in IMF in the same way that shareholders own shares in a company. Will the world then become a business corporation, a financial union? Should the UN then become the board of directors?