Firstly: the public must take back control over welfaren from the market. It is when politics takes responsibility that we can have functioning care, school and care, full employment and secure jobs. Ever since the 1990s, both s and m governments have privatized and introduced market systems. The Left Party stopped the last such attempts when they dropped the proposal on the market rents. The left party has thus shown that it works.
Second: Climate change must go much faster than so far. Enormous state investments will be required to cope with this transition. Therefore, the Left Party has put a historic climate investment package of SEK 700 billion and a fully funded proposal for halved prices in public transport, among many other things.
Third: The question of electricity prices are absolutely decisive to cope with both the climate and the economy of ordinary people. There, the Left Party as the only party has a policy to really deal with price shocks and excess profits.
Last but not least: the economic-political roadmap at the Left Party shows how all these investments are both possible and reasonable, and will not cost ordinary people anything, but on the contrary make their financial situation better.
Source: Vänsterpartiet