The right tries to deceive us that we live in a just world where submission to low wages under poor employment conditions and little social security under rich people who have amassed their money through hard and honest work is almost ethical. That is not the case. Many of the riches that exist today have been built up by nobles fighting, robbing and whipping peasants for centuries. This created immense wealth and unfair distribution of wealth that still exists today. The differences in wealth between North and South stem from war in yesterday's colonial society as well as from the Iraq war today. Swedish oil companies cooperate with African dictators who murder large parts of their own population. The US participated in the Vietnam War to defend the spread of capitalist injustices in the world and has supported the mass murder of communists in, among other things. Indonesia. So the world's wealth disparity has been built up and is being built up through much more than honorable endeavour. Even if the rich had amassed their wealth through hard work, how could it be called fair that the worker should not be entitled to a decent wage and good working conditions. And if the worker is smart enough to build a good social security system that takes care of him when he's weak and helps him defend his right to a decent wage and good working conditions, what's wrong with that?