It varies from job to job, but common to many is that we often invent many of our tasks ourselves. It can be reinforced by a culture where anyone who doesn't stress is looked down upon and despised.
Think about what really needs to be done and what will have the most consequences if not done first. Do that first and then less important tasks in descending order. Always try to achieve as much and long-lasting results as possible at the same time with the least possible effort. That's what efficiency is, or working smart.
Treat yourself to breaks when you have completed a task or when you are tired. We are not machines and even machines are not made to work all the time. Then they and we wear out.
Often you only work worse if you work too hard or too tired. Slow and right leads to more results in the long run. Personally, I prefer fast and lots of breaks. But the principle is the same. You have to judge on a case-by-case basis. If you do one good, big thing a day or every other day over a three-year period, you will have accomplished a great many great deeds.
Take time to read books, watch movies and philosophize about life, work and society by yourself and/or with friends and family. Then you'll hone your problem-solving skills while having fun. When you find yourself in a sharp position, it will be much easier to solve the problem smoothly.
Man is the goal. Not only the person who is a customer or employer, but also you and your employees and your loved ones. We are to love our neighbor as ourselves.