It is important that we talk openly about wages and conditions at our workplaces. By having open and permissive conversations, we can both shed light on problems, find common solutions and ensure that we collectively raise our wages.
If we do not know what other people earn, how are we supposed to know that we are at a reasonable salary level? The culture of silence – 'we don't talk about that here' – allows employers to play off employees against each other.
If we do not dare to speak about the working environment, how are we then going to be able to deal with any shortcomings?
By that we holding "the union promise" so we protect our common interests:
"We promise and assure that we will never, under any circumstances, work under worse conditions or at a lower salary than what we have now promised each other.
We promise each other this in the deep understanding that if we all keep this promise, the employer must meet our demands.”
Together we are strong.