"It has become more unsafe. The workload is increasing and there is a tougher attitude on the part of many employers." In the article "Will it be a record - or empty ranks?" in GP part 2 page 35 20090427 a LO member tells us that the workload has increased under the bourgeois government.
Month: April
Don't nail people
Now there are strong forces among Gothenburg's elected officials who want to introduce a fine of SEK 1500 for those who litter in Gothenburg. This is unreasonable. It takes resources away from the punishment of serious crimes such as murder and rape. It also gives people no freedom at all. Littering is not that dangerous. In addition, it provides…
What does a line of work mean?
Theft of public property
The Alliance's constant cuts, tax cuts and interventions in public welfare can be summed up in one word. Theft.
Socialism – a definition
“Socialism or barbarism” – Rosa Luxembourg http://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Socialism Excellent summary.
Machines pie faster at higher exploitation rates
Even machines wear out faster if you run them at full capacity all the time. How much more fragile is a human being?
The government will not fix the recession
In a recession, especially one of this magnitude, the government must be prepared to run large budget deficits in order to stimulate the economy. In this way, people avoid people in the public sector from being dismissed. This means that demand does not decrease further when people in the public sector would otherwise be dismissed. It also means that welfare…
Not work line for social benefits
Many may end up in a situation where they are pressured to take a job that for individual or external reasons is inhumane. Then social benefits should always be available as a last resort. Therefore, the work line should not exist when it comes to social benefits. Indirectly, it can exist through the fact that the social contribution can be so low, that you might still choose...