The Peoples' Union Manifesto: 35 Steps to a USA That Works for Everyone by Ray Gross seeks to reform the United States from corruption through 35 concrete reforms. The book proposes to make compulsory insurance, energy companies and pharmaceutical companies non-profit. The book wants to introduce Medicare for all, universal basic income, and free or low-cost higher education. It also suggests that religious organizations…
Category: Medicine prices
Low popularity of benefactor Biden
President Biden has achieved a lot on the economy - especially falling inflation and a great many more jobs. Biden has also won several legislative victories. These will limit the rise in prescription drug prices, expand care options for veterans, slow climate change and rebuild the nation's infrastructure. Still, his popularity ratings are among the lowest in American history except for those of Trump…
Workers must be underpaid, but the poor must not exist
News agency Järva interviews a smart woman – the poet Nattalie Ström Bunpuckdee. Based on her story, we are reminded once again that we live in an Ayn Rand era where ordinary people are a burden and solidarity is the highest evil. The poor must only obey and deliver but deserve no socio-economic conditions and no housing they have...
Time to raise the guarantee pension substantially
For those who have had little or no income in working life, there is a guaranteed pension. Today, it corresponds to approx. SEK 7/month before tax. Please note that the possibility of housing allowance and elderly support is added, at most the pension will be a total of SEK 900/month after tax. But with today's living costs, it is still far too low a level. It counts…
Demonstrate against TTIP
On Saturday, September 17, we demonstrate against TTIP. For democracy and against corporate rule. See you there! ———————————– Gothenburg Date: September 17 Time: 12:00 Place: Järntorget Facebook event Gothenburg ———————————– Stockholm Date: September 17 Time: 14: 00 – 16:00 Location: Mariatorget Facebook event Stockholm ———————————– Malmö Date: September 17 Time: 12:00 Location: Järntorget Facebook event Malmö
The EU is trying to go around national parliaments to get TTIP through
TTIP is the so-called free trade agreement between the EU and the US which specifically wants foreign investors in private courts with special rules to be able to sue the agreement countries whose decisions may lead to reduced opportunities for increased profit for said foreign investors. This really threatens the possibility of strengthening welfare, environmental and consumer rights. There are an awful lot of…
The film about TTIP — the trade agreement that threatens democracy
Cooperation is our evolutionary advantage
Collaboration is a must. Humanity's competitive advantage over the other animal species is if we maximize our ability to cooperate with each other, the animals, the earth and the universe. The severely disabled person we care for today may give birth to the next generation's Einstein.
TTIP – the free trade agreement that threatens to ban left-wing and environmental politics
CRUCIAL FREE TRADE AGREEMENT IN BALI New times are coming. A decisive first step towards implementation came in Bali 6/12 2013 for TTIP (Transatlantic trade and investment partnership); a new, global free trade agreement. The Geneva meeting crashed. Bali was close to a collapse, but India saved it. The most significant ingredients of the agreement are that companies get the right…