Global equality and the environment - how do we save these? Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) is a macroeconomic theory that proposes that governments with their own currency have the ability to spend unlimited amounts of money on desirable sectors of the economy. Sustainably productive investments increase budget space According to MMT, government spending is limited by inflation and not by public debt....
Category: Tobacco control
Free trade agreements for corporate control of societies may fall
American presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has said that she intends to put an end to the TPP free trade agreement that concerns the United States and the countries of the Pacific Ocean. Then the sister agreement TTIP between the US and the EU will probably also fall. Both free trade agreements are really just free trade agreements in name. What they are actually doing is a huge transfer of power from democratic, popularly elected power holders to today's corporate owners.
The line of work creates a pernicious economy
The line of work can be constructive. We must support ourselves as much as possible. In part this is good, it can also be disastrous for the economy. Workers need companies to work for. Companies need consumers. If everyone were happy and healthy, companies wouldn't sell very many of the big sellers fast food, candy, tobacco, drugs, guns, alcohol, sex, confectionery……
TTIP – the free trade agreement that threatens to ban left-wing and environmental politics
CRUCIAL FREE TRADE AGREEMENT IN BALI New times are coming. A decisive first step towards implementation came in Bali 6/12 2013 for TTIP (Transatlantic trade and investment partnership); a new, global free trade agreement. The Geneva meeting crashed. Bali was close to a collapse, but India saved it. The most significant ingredients of the agreement are that companies get the right…