In the bourgeois dream society, enormous differences in wealth prevail. There is no free school, care or care to speak of. Do you want read the administrator's book? It tells about how we can afford the good life for everyone, about saving the environment, nature, the climate and peace. leftist blog
Justice comes from one democratic left.
Block difference is reality, but our leftist blog sees that the right is falsely trying to hide the differences in the rhetoric.
If you want to know where you stand in the 2022 election, you can read my analysis of the various parties' positions of our leftist blog. There are also the union Kommunal's electoral compass about how the various parties stand compared to your views.
Block difference means, according to our leftist blog, that the bourgeois utopia leads to unlimited freedom for the capital owners and gives everyone else a freedom from working to ill health, a life as a job seeker or a slave in poverty.
The Left Blog especially saw one during the Alliance government 2006-14 race to the bottom. The alliance cut taxes which reduced investment in schools, roads, housing and technology. This led to fewer and more stressful jobs. According to the left-wing blog, it led to class divisions, mental and physical ill health. True economics is about creating what the people need. This creates work, future and development. Economics and ethics are connected.
Vote RED if you want a society with human dignity! Block difference matters.
Bad, expensive housing in right-wing society according to left-wing blog
Everyone in a perfect bourgeois society would have to work extremely hard thanks to a deregulated labor law according to our left-wing blog. It would be easy to lose the job. There would be a lot of unemployment with low compensation levels in the unemployment fund, if any. At the same time, the rents would be maximized and the standard often deficient. It would be difficult for many, but especially for the low-income earners, to afford entertainment. Our left-wing blog believes that many jobs would be dangerous and the working environment bad with a more bourgeois society. Block difference is a reality.
Even with a red government, of course, according to the left-wing blog, you can work or look for a job. Work is being able to work independently and to develop. Then, however, the government tries to ensure that the majority of the population receives a good salary, fair working conditions and unemployment and health insurance worthy of the name.
"In the bankers' Europe, no worker should feel safe, employment will be short and the social safety nets so coarse that only pitiful exceptional cases are caught by them. The taxes must be pushed to the bottom so that the money flows can flow between countries and continents virtually unencumbered."
- Sven-Eric Liedman from the foreword to Pierre Bordieu's "Moteld"
(Brutus Östling book publisher, year 2000)
The problem with the concepts left and right is that they have largely become identities in themselves. People perceive themselves as nostalgically belonging to one or the other without their real interests playing any role in this.
Look at the voting, there it usually says about 50-50, while probably 70-80 percent would be interested in an egalitarian policy. There, the old identities get in the way of clarity (yes, even the Sosse leadership probably perceives itself in one way or another as "left" without their politics justifying that name in the slightest).
So if you could come up with new designations it would probably be good.
There would be a need for a truly social liberal bourgeois party that stood closer to the red-greens than other citizens and that although they believed in freedom under responsibility and thought that education, efficiency and constructive entrepreneurship should pay off, society must be extremely equal and good for the vulnerable. A society that thought that the right person in the right place is a good principle and that an education should lead to some qualified position.
So the soss could go to the left again and V could become a little more against class differences.
A red-green electoral strategy must be to create an equal society with minimal gaps, great freedom under responsibility, great security, the right to a suitable job under good conditions according to competence, first-class school, care, concern, power-critical and entertaining culture while giving something to all small groups so everyone feels like a winner. Yes, all the good things we've lost since 1970.