In Movement, Johan Sjölander raises an important and pressing criticism of the Social Democrats. Sjölander puts his finger on a painful truth – that the party has long been accused of drifting to the right. Now the party has actually drifted far too far to the right. But Sjölander's criticism is too mild. The reality is that the Social Democrats, together with their allies…
Category: Individualism
Lack of routines causes system errors
Dan Davies' ideas from the book The Unaccountability Machine see the whole of neoliberalism as a complex system with built-in errors. Jan Wiklund believes on the blog Gemensam in the article "All failures are due to bad routines" 2024/09/18 that crises and failures are not due to individual scapegoats but to a system error that is integrated into the structure of neoliberalism. Sure can…
Work for all provides a more stable, state-regulated mixed economy
Work for all is the goal society must have. Brilliant text on the benefits of full employment and its positive side effects. Niklas Blomqvist questions the idea that the market itself can create full employment. For example, Blomqvist points out that attempts to follow this path in the last thirty years have not produced the desired results. He emphasizes that work for…
Low popularity of benefactor Biden
President Biden has achieved a lot on the economy - especially falling inflation and a great many more jobs. Biden has also won several legislative victories. These will limit the rise in prescription drug prices, expand care options for veterans, slow climate change and rebuild the nation's infrastructure. Still, his popularity ratings are among the lowest in American history except for those of Trump…
No government deficits – society's unnecessary straitjacket
Vote for bigger government deficits! Deficits are part of how the state regulates the market and protects citizens and nature. Neoliberalism attacks this. How is money created? Can we afford to work? Sweden's Riksbank's prize in economic science in memory of Alfred Nobel in 2022 suggested that banks have an important role for the social economy even if this can…
Freedom, equality and good jobs for all are needed if the red-greens are to regain power
Freedom and security mean a lot to the people of Sweden. It is disgusting that welfare becomes ethnically demarcated. We can afford and have an ethical responsibility to have refugee immigration, but it must be done in the right way without economic neoliberalism. But the election and the blue-brown's Tidö agreement show so far that if the red-green are to rule again,...
Economists created austerity policies after World War I to preserve class divisions
New book shows that economists created the policy of austerity to recreate and preserve class divisions after the First World War. The author is Clara Mattei from the Institute for New Economic Thinking. In the video below, Clara discusses her new book "The Capital Order: How Economists Invented Austerity and Paved the Way to Fascism". The state had to intervene in the social economy in order to…
How to save equality and the environment/nature all over the world
Global equality and the environment - how do we save these? Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) is a macroeconomic theory that proposes that governments with their own currency have the ability to spend unlimited amounts of money on desirable sectors of the economy. Sustainably productive investments increase budget space According to MMT, government spending is limited by inflation and not by public debt....
The red-greens must protect freedom and solidarity
Almost as many die in workplace accidents as in gang crime. Hundreds of workers, especially men, kill themselves every year because of the hard working life. The welfare increases of 2014-18 were too weak if wonderful and the slaughter of LAS and the attack on the low rent system and the tax cuts for the rich 2018-2022 horrible. Those who were hit hardest by the…
Post-election analysis: communication, freedom under responsibility and equality
According to Red Justice's post-election analysis, the broad left including the Social Democrats must improve on communication, freedom under responsibility and equality.