Vote for bigger government deficits! Deficits are part of how the state regulates the market and protects citizens and nature. Neoliberalism attacks this. How is money created? Can we afford to work? Sweden's Riksbank's prize in economic science in memory of Alfred Nobel in 2022 suggested that banks have an important role for the social economy even if this can…
Category: Vision
Stability and changes in the values of Swedes and the world's population
An interesting survey has come out about changes in the values of Swedes and the world population. In Sweden, family is important and mutual trust is great. Confidence in Sweden is high for all groups. But some immigrant groups are just trustworthy but are not perceived to be as extraordinarily trustworthy as the rest of the population.
"Survival" - Book for libertarian left-wing social democracy
Why did welfare in Sweden begin to be dismantled from the 70s? Can everyone get a job? How do we give people housing? The climate - how do we save it? Feel good in a challenging society, okay? The newly published book "Survival - for society and the people" wants to spark discussion about society and life. Read the review by Lars Gahrn,…
Preventive and repressive measures are not enough against gang crime and crime
Against gang crime, criminality and social unrest, school and social services are important preventive and rehabilitative efforts, as well as police and prison significant repressive efforts are important parts. But even more important is to offer good jobs to everyone with long-term employment and good wages. Work is historically one of Sweden's most effective integration and order-creating factors. Unemployment also seems to lead…
A spring in the sign of welfare
Now we leave the cold and darkness of winter behind us. Now snowdrops and crocuses grow in the flower beds. Now we are taking hold of Sweden and building a strong welfare state. We do it together and we have fun along the way! Why not start by doing something nice in your local tenant association? Or get involved before the EU elections in…
The Sossarna offer hope
Already exactly four months before the election, the #Social Democrats have presented several major #reforms that will be important parts in building a #stronger society. It is, for example, about a reform with increased #pensions for those who have worked hard in professional life, about big investments in more employees in care to reduce the #care queues and more #police to fight it...
Ordinary people build Sweden - M does not understand this at all
M goes for a frontal attack on five fronts against ordinary people before the autumn elections. M wants to remove the last-ditch rule in LAS. This protects everyone, i.a. older people who cannot work as hard as the strongest young people but who may have more to offer in other ways. Removing the turn order rule would also affect those women and…
Sweden is still fantastic
Much is going well in Sweden. Don't flirt with the brown-blue horror propaganda, but at the same time get to grips with how we can achieve full employment without stress and with restored welfare. We need to regulate robotisation so that humans do not become slaves to the machines. We need to improve opportunities for further education at all levels throughout life, because robotization will…
M goes to the 2018 elections on classic right-wing politics
"And here is some of the content: Change labor law, start introducing market rents, toughen penalties, tighten migration policy, limit benefits and lower taxes. Take a deep breath - and feel the color return to your cheeks. " So writes the journalist Göran Eriksson in the article in SvD "Nu also M leaves the no-go zone of politics" about how M leaves the center of politics...
Our brains are planned to be interconnected with the internet cloud in the future
High time to regulate technology development! Who are we machines or humans if our brains are linked to an Artificial Intelligence internet cloud via nano robots in our brain? How much can AI control us if it were to run amok?