Nuclear experts are scared: Belgium has just restarted two ancient and cracked nuclear power plants that threaten to unleash another Chernobyl disaster right in the heart of Europe!
Month: January 2016
Sweden has a lot to thank the red and green for
The red-green government has carried out several important reforms for Sweden's welfare and economy. To a large extent, this is why the economy is running like a train now. The unemployment insurance fund has been raised from starvation level to where it can live on. The sick are not declared healthy just because a certain amount of time has passed. There are plans for massive housing construction...
The center party: market rents, more noise and less beach protection
In recent years, every fourth rental kroner was profit for the private landlords. In the Center Party's world, however, construction companies earn too little. They also don't want those cumbersome noise level regulations. The beach protection is mostly in the way. Annie Lööf, and others, publish the text in Aftonbladet:
The property owners in Gothenburg want market rents
Market rents do not lead to increased mobility or a greater supply of apartments with low rent. In a debate article in Göteborgs-Posten, the property owners nevertheless claim that rent regulation reduces mobility on the housing market. Apart from the fact that rent regulation was replaced by the use value system already in the 1970s, it only leads to one thing. Usury rents. It was also why politics realized the importance...
The Liberals want market rents in new apartments
In the latest party leader debate, Jan Björklund took the blade out of his mouth and demanded market rents in newly built apartments. What consequences would market rents have?
Low wages bad for the economy
Leading bourgeois debaters claim that low wages are necessary to integrate new arrivals. Naomi Abramowicz writes in Göteborgs-Posten, January 7, 2016: "The idea of having a labor market with large income differences rhymes badly with the Swedish idea of equality. But it is a necessity if more people are to have a chance to enter the…
Peaceful haven rather than threatened war partner
A majority of the Swedish people are in favor of non-alignment and against NATO membership. according to DN/Ipsos. This is sound politics of the common man. If we go to war, we risk having enemies and not only in the form of other states but also in the form of terrorism.
More rental properties good for the economy
More rental units are good for everyone. Younger people and people with lower incomes can get housing of a reasonable standard at a reasonable cost. Anyone who lives in a tenement also has so-called tenure protection. You live safely in a rental property and don't have to pay a cash deposit. As the tenancy is not for sale on the open…
Save Sweden's old-growth forests
Naturarvet is a foundation that works to save Sweden's old-growth forests. An old-growth forest has been untouched for at least 150 years. Only a small part of Sweden's old-growth forests remain today. Old-growth forests are important for preserving biological diversity. You can click here to make a free (ad sponsored) contribution to the fundraiser.