Minister of Business and Innovation Mikael Damberg, together with ministers from 13 EU member states, has signed a letter to Commissioner Cecilia Malmström about the necessity of TTIP.
Month: October 2014
The red-greens: It must pay to work
The red-greens are for a policy to make it worthwhile to work. The Alliance did not. The result of the Alliance's job line was poverty for those without jobs and a stressful, lawless crap life especially for the country's youth.
Who is the aggressor?
Does Russia want to conquer Western Europe or at least the Baltic states, Finland and Sweden? Or does the US want a cold war with Russia to keep its economy going? I do not know.
Michael Moore's brilliant film about capitalism and the financial crisis
The mother of all problems
The lean road and the cutthroat competition are modern to all the problems the world sees today. The civil war in Syria. Russia's aggressiveness. Isis in the Middle East. Ebola in West Africa. The permanent mass unemployment. Constant social cuts. States that end up in debt crisis. Since the 80s, we have slimmed down organisations. When communism fell, social democracy was not introduced, but neoliberalism with gigantic gaps...
TTIP threatens our democracy, environmental protection, labor rights and welfare
Stop TTIP The transatlantic trade agreement threatens the environment, democracy and welfare. The power of the people is subordinated to that of the companies. The agreement could become a Trojan horse. That can't be right, can it? No. The most dangerous element of this free trade agreement is the ISDS clause. It means that foreign companies that have invested in Sweden should be able to sue Sweden in private courts if we want to develop...
Reasonably raised taxes good for growth
The Fiscal Policy Council, which was appointed by the bourgeois government, criticizes the red-greens' tax increases. The bourgeois media do that too. They believe that raising taxes for the rich leads to people working less and that tax revenues decrease. It is the tax ideology that citizens have been voting on since 2006. What did it lead to? Yes, a sky high…
Low-wage jobs not a good basis for a rich welfare society
Some on the right thought that the red-green government (2014-2018) should have kept the previous government's reduced pub VAT. These right-wingers believe that you can certainly build an economy on low-wage jobs like those in fast food restaurants without high work heights. I do not agree. The basis of the economy creates the added value that the rest of society must live on. When the base was…
Gustav Fridolin not depressed enough according to right-wing journalist
The best criticism the right-wing journalist Johan Hakelius can make against Gustav Fridolin is that he does not look as disillusioned as when there was a blue government in Sweden and actively tried to dismantle welfare. Now that Fridolin can be involved in building up welfare and school results in Sweden again, he apparently doesn't get to see a little...
Social security is a good job creator
Recently, the S-MP government agreed with V that the unemployment fund ceiling should be raised from 1 May 2015. This means that those with an income of 25 a month will receive 000% of the unemployment fund for the first 80 days. In the long term, the compensation should be 100% for the entire period. When low-income earners get more money, they can consume…