The transatlantic trade agreement TTIP allows companies to sue states. Companies can go to court if a country faces laws that risk reducing their profits. The planned agreement thus threatens our environment, our democracy and our economy. Demonstrate against TTIP: Saturday, April 18, at 12.30-13.30 Gustaf Adolfs torg, Gothenburg Read more...
Month: April
Increased domestic demand would boost growth
Domestic demand has become so low i.a. because we sell for more 6% more than we consume per year in Sweden according to Ulf Jakobsson at Affärsvärlden. Another reason is the surplus target, which means that even though Sweden's public financial surplus increases year by year, according to the rules of the Riksdag, it cannot be used for...
Right-wing capitalism benefits no one
The right-wing parties usually make fun of the red-greens because they put other people's interests before their own. However, most of the right is poor, but instead of asking for higher wages, secure employment conditions and good social insurance and benefits etc, they prioritize favoring the dinner table of the big capitalists in the hope that enough will trickle down from…