Do Swedes care about the environment, the climate and biodiversity? #miljö #klimatet #biologiskmångfald #svenskar #opinion #election2022 #journalism
Category: Nuclear power
Freedom, equality and good jobs for all are needed if the red-greens are to regain power
Freedom and security mean a lot to the people of Sweden. It is disgusting that welfare becomes ethnically demarcated. We can afford and have an ethical responsibility to have refugee immigration, but it must be done in the right way without economic neoliberalism. But the election and the blue-brown's Tidö agreement show so far that if the red-green are to rule again,...
How to save equality and the environment/nature all over the world
Global equality and the environment - how do we save these? Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) is a macroeconomic theory that proposes that governments with their own currency have the ability to spend unlimited amounts of money on desirable sectors of the economy. Sustainably productive investments increase budget space According to MMT, government spending is limited by inflation and not by public debt....
S is better at healthcare, integration, electricity supply and finance
1. Pension increase. S with the red and green increased the pensions and the housing allowance substantially in 2022 and wants to increase them more in the long term. At the same time, S wants to improve elderly care. S is better. 2. Healthcare. As an S, do you want to reduce market experiments in healthcare? Or should we – as S wants – hire more healthcare staff, scrap cream cheeses and clearance sales, and secure the healthcare guarantee,...
What are the block options in 2022?
What are the block options in 2022? Maybe there will be clearer election campaigns, the closer we get to the election. But what are the electoral issues among the red-greens and the right if you look at the politics of recent years? Lina Stenberg for Dagens Arena has tried to explain this by reading the parliamentary motions. I have made my own additions especially if they are red-green…
Stop M from stealing 150 S votes
About all the possibilities of hydrogen for the environment and employment in Sweden
Here comes Christer Brandt's brilliant article on hydrogen. Hydrogen can solve many of the environmental problems. Industrial waste heat can generate hydrogen in a way that can replace 70% of all the nuclear power we produced a few years ago.
The classic conflict between labor and capital is always relevant
Johan Sjölander, new CEO of the social democratic think tank Tiden, has written a brilliant essay about the swings of politics since a number of decades ago. Sjölander emphasizes the Bildt government's strong residual effects, even if these were destructive. Sjölander seems to believe in a third way as the future path to victory for the broad left.
"Survival" - Book for libertarian left-wing social democracy
Why did welfare in Sweden begin to be dismantled from the 70s? Can everyone get a job? How do we give people housing? The climate - how do we save it? Feel good in a challenging society, okay? The newly published book "Survival - for society and the people" wants to spark discussion about society and life. Read the review by Lars Gahrn,…
Get rid of CETA at the last minute
CETA is a trade agreement between Canada and the EU. Just like the TTIP trade agreement, it contains several undemocratic mechanisms. Investor protection is included and companies can sue states in private arbitration courts.