Now consensus is required around a new leader. This leader must have managed his private affairs exceptionally well, otherwise the media will turn the people against him/her. It requires a leader who can promise security for everyone and a competitive knowledge economy.
Month: January 2012
The safety net of social insurance keeps wages and working conditions up
Unemployment and sick leave also have a left effect. This safety net offers a minimum to which wages and working conditions can drop. If it's too terrible, you get sick and then the employer is forced to think about how things are at their workplace. A salary minimum in the unemployment fund for which jobs you need to apply for means that salaries do not...
The alliance wants to eradicate the middle class
I don't understand why the middle class is so fond of the Alliance, because the Alliance wants to wipe out the middle class and turn it into a sometimes well-paid working class. Because what is it that makes a project-employed economist or exempt engineer from a closed factory into a white-collar worker and not a worker. Well, it's a generous social security fund that doesn't force them...
An example of true M politics
The true part of M is not satisfied until the workers, even children under the age of 16, work unregulated hours at the risk of life and health of a spit thief. It is to gradually deteriorate jobs in that direction that the sickness and unemployment policy is so strict. There must be no safety net. Worse conditions do not bring more jobs!
Demand that public service goes out of Swedish Business. See article about SVT and lobbying below Vi kräver att SVT, UR och SR går ur Svenskt Näringsliv Den 1 juli 2009 blev Sveriges Television, Utbildningsradion och Sveriges Radio medlemmar i företagar- & arbetsgivarorganisationen Svenskt Näringsliv. Att public service är medlem i en organisation som är ”företagens företrädare i Sverige” är inte förenligt med att vara i allmänhetens tjänst. Vi kräver…
Golden time for social democracy!
It should be a golden time for social democracy now. Capitalism is in crisis. Even prominent business journals admit it. Some advocate Marxism as a solution. I don't think you need to be so drastic. Social democracy can be enough if it moves to the left and invests in full employment by expanding the public sector and increasing…