In politics it is about give and take. It's about compromises. But it is also about principles. The Social Democrats need to stick to labor law and the use value system. An insecure labor market combined with market rents is not only deeply unfair, it also leads to a greatly reduced purchasing power. It only benefits property owners and no other capitalists….
Month: January 2019
Time to strengthen welfare
Now we are reversing the trend. In 1901, mobile phones only existed in science fiction novels. Welfare was so far away that it was mostly a question for the grandchildren. Despite this, the labor movement and the radical liberals of the time fought for a fairer society. (Today's liberals are far to the right of those of that time.) The church movements also played a big role. The…
Emergency medical care needs more staff
More than 600 doctors at the Sahlgrenska hospital in Gothenburg have signed a call for demands for an improved working situation. The requirements follow below: Stop assuring that patient safety is not at risk. Present effective solutions to increase staffing. Maintain competence through re-recruitment of key personnel. Show a schedule for when all clinics will have 85 percent average occupancy and…
Adapt the pension to needs
In 2019, Sweden is the 17th richest country in the world. We have a good tax base. To maintain purchasing power and for the sake of fairness, we need pensions at a reasonable level. The compensation rate or pensions' share of the final salary decreases with each generation. For more details, see what the Swedish Pensions Authority writes here.
See to the needs of the electorate
Sweden is a rich country with great opportunities. Unlike, for example, Great Britain, we have a fair proportional electoral system. We also have free education and subsidized healthcare. But we also have problems. The housing shortage is acute in large parts of the country. Too few rental properties are built and the rents that are built are too high. Healthcare…