Optimism: More Than Just A Smile Optimism is not about seeing the world through rose-colored glasses and believing that everything is perfect. Rather, it is about finding hope and strength, even when life feels at its darkest, and continuing to fight for both your personal goals and for the good of society. It is the ability to see…
Category: Creativity
Government: Create more low-wage workers
Tidölaget's strategy is to, after a short time, lower the unemployment fund by 5% every 100 days until it reaches a bottom of SEK 8030 before tax per month. This contrasts with the needs of the long-term unemployed. These are often functionally varied often functionally varied or long-term ill and cannot cope with the low-wage jobs the government advocates to solve...
Everyone works differently – an asset to humanity
Throughout history, humanity has proven to be a neurodiverse species, where brains work in different ways. This is not an accident, but can be a survival advantage. In difficult situations, people become more flexible when different ways of thinking and perspectives meet each other. Evolutionarily speaking, the diversity in how people's cognitive apparatus works has been an asset. The collective strength lies…
Treat yourself to rest and pleasure quite often
Neurological research shows that the brain works best when it is slightly relaxed. Psychologists say that recovery from time to time is necessary to cope with stress. In the Stone Age, for which we are mostly genetically shaped, we only hunted for a few hours a day. The rest of us probably took it easy and were social.