The fact that dental care costs several thousand makes a row of teeth that is employable a dream or an expensive nightmare for many. Let dental care be included in the high-cost protection for all Swedish citizens/those with a Swedish residence permit. Sign and share!
Month: September 2017
When housing bubbles burst
I don't share economics professor Peter Englund's view that a housing crash would be unlikely, but he explains the mechanisms very well if such a crash were to occur. Why don't I share the view of the improbability of a crash? For one thing, I think there is a limit to how expensive an item can be. When Swedish firsts approach...
Recruit with respect
Unfortunately, the interview situation for job seekers has been far from fundamentally respectful for some years now. Especially for people without higher education, group interviews are common. As if this were not enough, they are also forced to act in order to get a job as, for example, kitchen staff. It's not even the ability to perform a Bergman scene standing up...
Our brains are planned to be interconnected with the internet cloud in the future
High time to regulate technology development! Who are we machines or humans if our brains are linked to an Artificial Intelligence internet cloud via nano robots in our brain? How much can AI control us if it were to run amok?
Freeze the electricity grid fee
Freeze the electricity grid fee The grid giants shock raise the grid fee very often - sometimes several times a year. The government appointed an inquiry a year ago but nothing is happening. Now we have to increase the pressure so that the electricity lobbyists do not succeed in burying the investigation! Sign the petition to freeze the electricity grid fees!
Threatened working conditions. Unnecessary stress in working life
With good working conditions, we work better. We are more creative, feel greater satisfaction and are less easily supported. Almost one in three employees experienced work-related ill health in Sweden in 2021.
Make clothes for large adults
More and more people gain weight from all the temptations of commerce, stress and mental illness. Still, the sizes are getting smaller and smaller. Often larger than 2XL is not available in a regular store and this size feels more like an L. The reason is that the fashion designers don't think it's fun to make clothes for large adults because then…
Career - follow your dream but protect the vulnerable and yourself
There are great opportunities to make a career in Sweden and maybe even work with your passion. Here is a link to the Employment Agency's interest test. It might help you figure out what you would enjoy working with. There are no course fees at the country's colleges, universities or polytechnics. There are government loans and…