We live in a rich country. The total wealth is just over SEK 12 billion for 000. A new record level. At the same time, we have a pension system that forces pensioners into a life of relative poverty. How is it that? The reason is simple. Joel Dahlberg writes in SvD Näringsliv:
Month: December 2016
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to us all
My clap to all of you is my call and wish that we all be more generous to each other. If the socio-political and economic conditions become more equal not only in Sweden but all over the world, the economy grows and becomes more stable. Poor people cannot consume and consumption and the number of jobs are intimately dependent on each other.
The sun can save humanity
Solar power units increased at a record pace in 2016 with 300 GW of solar, and if the increase continues at the same rate, fossil energy sources may soon be phased out. In addition, solar power generation has now been found to be more energy efficient than newly discovered oil and gas. This means that it costs less energy to produce solar power already now. Big energy capitalists like to follow what is most profitable so this…
Investing in the staff paid off
Walmart invested in staff conditions, internal training opportunities and wages. The result was increased sales, better stocked shelves and clean stores. Read more here!