Vote for bigger government deficits! Deficits are part of how the state regulates the market and protects citizens and nature. Neoliberalism attacks this. How is money created? Can we afford to work? Sweden's Riksbank's prize in economic science in memory of Alfred Nobel in 2022 suggested that banks have an important role for the social economy even if this can…
Category: SJ
The railway's problems are due to too few track workers
There are many reasons for the railway's problems. One is the privatization and competition of train traffic and track maintenance. Trains can be an efficient, punctual, cheap and climate-friendly way of transporting private persons and industrial goods. So it was a long time in Sweden before we saved up on this means of transport. There are many reasons why the trains run so rarely...
Swedish record economy with challenges under the Social Democrats
The bourgeois mass media portray the Swedish economy as in crisis. Presumably they do this not just to maintain power. The citizens do not want the people to realize that good national economy and solidarity and tolerant ethics usually go hand in hand. If the people are sufficiently rich but it still pays to get an education, then the purchasing power increases...
The authorities are scheming at the expense of train traffic
Typical bourgeois
A vote for KD, FP or C is a support vote for M. And M's true will is hard work in poverty for the majority of the people until it collapses. The red-greens can't give everything to everyone, but they try to rein in capitalism so that life is still bearable. Reinfeldt's idea that more people should work until they…
The iron-clad wage law
Tidölaget, our government, will lower the unemployment insurance fund for the long-term unemployed to 5600 after tax per month from October 2025. But they still expect long-term unemployment. The iron-clad wage law is strong. Citizens lowered social security during the Alliance governments 2006–2014. In the 2022 election, the Moderates wanted to cut the unemployment insurance and worsen health insurance again. At first it didn't happen that way, but…