Global equality and the environment - how do we save these? Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) is a macroeconomic theory that proposes that governments with their own currency have the ability to spend unlimited amounts of money on desirable sectors of the economy. Sustainably productive investments increase budget space According to MMT, government spending is limited by inflation and not by public debt....
Category: JEPHTA
"Survival" - Book for libertarian left-wing social democracy
Why did welfare in Sweden begin to be dismantled from the 70s? Can everyone get a job? How do we give people housing? The climate - how do we save it? Feel good in a challenging society, okay? The newly published book "Survival - for society and the people" wants to spark discussion about society and life. Read the review by Lars Gahrn,…
Important to vote in the EU elections
The EU governs a large part of our everyday lives: trade agreements, competition rules, fishing quotas and some environmental legislation. In terms of trade agreements, there are strong forces working for international trade agreements that give companies the right to sue states if the regulations risk reducing the companies' profits.
Red-green election strategy 2018
It would be good if the red-greens before the election could show what kind of society the right wants: Lowest possible social security, contributions and worker wages Easier to fire Unsafe work environment Market rents Fee-based school, health care and university Then I think people would vote for the red-greens. The red-greens should go to the polls on: Raised wages in the wage-lagging...
JEFTA — an undemocratic trade agreement
JEFTA is a new trade agreement between the EU and Japan. Like TTIP, private arbitration courts are included where companies can sue states for policy decisions that could threaten their profits. If a company is unhappy with a policy decision, they can simply go to court. Without there being any public transparency.