The EU may soon approve glyphosate, a pesticide that causes cancer and kills bees. Bees are already dying way too much as it is. Without the bees, almost all pollination disappears. Then we get a life almost without vegetation and most of the life on earth then quickly dies out. Want to donate a little to fight the lobbyists…
Category: Biodiversity
Neither demonizing nor releasing the right-wing extremists helps
Of course, it is important not to demonize any political movement, including far-right groups. But helping more extreme right-wing politics by inviting discontent parties on the extreme edge of the right, as The Economist advocates on 2023-09-14 in the editorial "The EU's liberals need better ways to deal with populists" solves nothing. Too often, the right-wing extremists are too…
The truth about immigration
A conservative view is that a country can either have a sustainable welfare state or high levels of immigration. But that view is wrong. The fact is that we can achieve both a well-functioning welfare state and increased immigration. By using progressive taxes and government deficits to invest in making everyone in society feel good…
The two-degree target is possible if the state invests now
The states of the world and Sweden must subsidize the transition to green technology and green energy as soon as possible. It is important for the two-degree target for global temperature increase. Without the state, Sweden risks missing both industrial competitive advantages and the chance to save the climate and nature. The 1,5 degree target has probably been exceeded. But if the states of the world and Sweden invest properly in...
No government deficits – society's unnecessary straitjacket
Vote for bigger government deficits! Deficits are part of how the state regulates the market and protects citizens and nature. Neoliberalism attacks this. How is money created? Can we afford to work? Sweden's Riksbank's prize in economic science in memory of Alfred Nobel in 2022 suggested that banks have an important role for the social economy even if this can…
The Swedes and the environmental issue
Do Swedes care about the environment, the climate and biodiversity? #miljö #klimatet #biologiskmångfald #svenskar #opinion #election2022 #journalism